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born celestial..adopted and raised on earth =]

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gran Torino..of life and death! =]

Dirty Harry flicks are one of my father's fave [aside from Chuck Norris]..heck, he even looked like Clint Eastwood [w/ glasses] hehe. He took time to watch even if he was abroad. So needless to say am also a big fan of the actor, the director..the man.

The story is poignant and its poetic ending is bittersweet..serves all the questions and much more. A must watch flick bursting w/ not just action..it makes you ponder about life and death. I for one will definitely grab a copy of its dvd for moi collection.


*more at: www.yourmajestysire.blogspot.com
*photo credits: azrael coladilla

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